Devil’s Nightmare Halloween Blog Tour

Posted: September 12, 2014 in Blog Tours, Book Promotions, Halloween, Horror, Interviews, Publishing, Thrillers, Writing

Devil's Nightmare Blog TourHalloween is just around the corner, and with that comes the release of Devil’s Nightmare: Premonitions, the sequel to my Amazon bestselling horror Devil’s Nightmare. To celebrate and help promote the launch of the sequel and help bring new readership to the first book, I am going to be traveling around the world wide web from October 1 to October 31. Where will I be going on tour, you ask? Well, that’s where my fellow bloggers come in.

I’m looking for folks that would be interested in hosting me on their sites for an interview, guest post, author spotlight, or juggling act (whatever works best for your site). If you would like to be a part of the Devil’s Nightmare Halloween Blog Tour, please drop me a line in the comments with a link to your blog and best way to reach you (such as Twitter, official blog email, smoke signal coordinates, etc.).

Thank you in advance for those willing to participate!

Sharky Teeth

  1. Mine is a cooking blog but I’d still like to have you visit. Do you do any scary pumpkin carvings? Or can you have a scary pumpkin carving contest as a promotion and give away free books as a prize? Or, do you cook anything really scary? Or are you a HORROR (not horrible) cook of some kind?


  2. eden baylee says:

    That Dannie is a card! Of course, sweetheart, anything you need. I’ve interviewed you before, so how about a guest blog — if that’s not good, you can do an author spotlight or anything you like – including the juggling act 😉


  3. danniehill says:

    You’re doing it right, Rob. Another success in the making!


  4. Karen says:
    Twitter: @okiewashere
    When browsing my site, you will come across the ’10 Statements’ section. This is one possibility. If you would also like me to review your book – this opens a second opportunity for you.


    • Thanks, Karen! I checked out your site and the 10 Statements sounds like a great idea. A book review would work too. Have you read the first book, Devil’s Nightmare? BTW, I just followed you on Twitter. Have a great weekend!

