11/26/15: Chumming with Sharky™ Thanksgiving Edition

Welcome to Chumming with Sharky™, my blog series where I treat readers from every corner of the deep blue sea with a taste of talented authors from a myriad of genres. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, so I asked some of my fellow authors (including some former chummy guests) to share what they are most thankful for as authors. So, grab a slice of pumpkin pie and enjoy this special edition of Chumming with Sharky. Be sure to share what you are thankful for in the comments. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Chumming with Sharky™

Thanksgiving Edition

Where authors and readers are thankful and turkeys run for cover.

Robert “Sharky” Pruneda, Author
Mr. Turkey, Guest of Honor (Mwahaha!)
Anchor the Hammerhead, Our Toothy Bartender

Anchor: You know, Sharky, I really don’t know why you’re making me wear this ridiculous pilgrim outfit. I don’t even like turkey. Just give me some whiskey and a platter of clown fish and I’m happy.

Mr. Turkey: Gobble-gobble! 

Anchor: You see, I think that turkey agrees.

Sharky: Just be thankful I didn’t post a photo of you in that getup all over social media.

Mr. Turkey: Gobble-gobble!

Anchor: Oh, put a sock in it, you dumb bird. You’re the main course and don’t even realize it.

Sharky: Speaking of which . . .

Anchor: And a moment of silence . . .

Sharky: Anyway, enough of that nonsense. Our readers want to hear from our guests. We have some familiar faces and a few that we’ve never had in the shark tank before. In no particular order, please give a warm welcome to all of the authors who have taken time away from their families to share with the five folks sitting in our audience (and no, that’s not a typo) :-). 


Paranormal & Horror Author AJ Aalto

AJ Aalto Profile PicI’m thankful that the readership in the paranormal/horror genre is so active and eager to share with one another the great books they discover. Very few readers say, “I like vampires (or zombies, or werewolves, or ghosts) but I’m only going to read this one book.” There’s always a hunger for more, more, more and this genre seems to encourage a feeding frenzy. When they find something they like, they’re not shy about sharing, and that makes them a fun community to be a part of. 🙂

For more information about AJ Aalto and where to buy her popular Marnie Baranuik Files books visit her website at www.ajaalto.com.


Historical Fantasy Author Matt the Catania

Matt Catania ProfileI’m most thankful for Booktrope publishing The Dolorous Adventure of Brother Banenose and that even people I don’t know are buying it

To learn more about Matt the Catania visit his website at https://mattthecatania.wordpress.com/ or follow him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MattTheCatania/.

Sharky: That has got to be one of the funniest profile pics I’ve ever seen. Nine lives, anyone?


Romance & Thriller Author Sheri Williams

Sheri Williams profile pic

This year I am thankful for community. For being welcome even though I sometimes feel like an impostor. For making friends who are just like me.

Sher loves having guests on her blog. To check them out and to learn more about her and her books, be sure to visit here website at  http://www.thesheriwilliams.com/.


Psychological Thriller Author Justin Bog

Justin Bog (Amazon Profile)I am thankful for those who are interested enough to read the stories I tell. In these dark times, my suspense stories are an acquired taste.

As an author, I want to give back by helping other writers tell their stories. Lucky to have helped edit eight other books this past year, each time making the project stronger in form with clear goals in mind and steady guidance

For more information about Justin Bog and where to purchase his books, visit his website here: http://justinbog.com/.


Fantasy Author Steven Montano

As I’m author, I’m thankful for my readers. Your support and enthusiasm make all of the effort and hours worth it.

I’m thankful for the amazing network of Indie authors I’ve gotten to know these past few years. The enthusiasm, the love of the craft, the innovation, the support and the camaraderie are at times overwhelming (but in a good way).

And, last but certainly not least, I’m thankful for coffee. Because this boy wouldn’t be writing a darn thing without gallons of the stuff. =D

For more information about Steven Montano and where to purchase his books, please visit his website here: http://steven-montano.com/.


Dystopian Author AJ Powers

I am thankful for the opportunity to have an avenue in which to reach readers. Before the invention of the e-book, having any sort of audience would be a massive challenge without a traditional publisher. It’s an amazing age we live in, and even though it’s not quite as big for indies as it used to be, it’s still very humbling how many people have read my debut novel in six months. And then of course, I am very thankful for my readers. Without them, there wouldn’t be a point to write.

To learn more about AJ Powers and where to buy his debut novel Ash the Ash Fell, please visit his website here: http://www.ajpowers.com/.


Crime Fiction Author Kenneth Hoss

Kenneth HossOther than the usual things, like being thankful I have a job and a place to live, this Thanksgiving I am thankful for my publisher. Without them, my Kelli Storm series would not be what it is today. Being represented by Three Worlds Press is one of the best things to happen to me since I began writing. While they are not a BIG house, they are personable and pay due diligence. Additionally, without them I would never have met my wonderful editor, Melissa Shirley, who worked with me and didn’t push me to change the story or my main character. If anything, she improved my books.

I’m thankful for many other things as well, but it’s a long list and space is short, so I’ll close. What are you thankful for this year?

To find out more about Kenneth Hoss and where to buy his Kelli Storm novels, please visit his website here: http://authorkenhoss.com/.


Mystery & Suspense Author Eden Baylee

The beautiful and talented Eden BayleeFirstly, thanks Sharky for inviting me to say a few words for your blog even though I’m Canadian. My Thanksgiving was last month, but I want to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends! May you have the best of festivities with your loved ones.

As for what I’m most thankful for as an author …

I’m grateful for a community of wonderful writers I’ve met from all over the world. The discipline of writing and selling books can be a lonely endeavour, but it doesn’t have to be. If I’m stuck, I have friends who will support me or offer encouragement if I need it. They’ve done so via Skype, email, DM, tweets, and other means. It’s comforting to know the world is not such a big place after all.

To learn more about Eden Baylee and where to buy her mystery novels, including some well-written erotica short stories to warm you up this winter (wink-wink), be sure to visit her website here: http://edenbaylee.com/.


Romance Author & Poet Wyatt McIntyre

Without support and love the road of an author is a long and lonely one filled with challenges and isolation. It’s easy, at times, to forget that in the warmth and hope of friends and family as they encourage you like few others will. I am most grateful for them as they uplift me, strengthen me and push me forward, giving me the ability to find my voice as I drift off into my imagination, losing myself in a story or a poem. Few blessings are richer than those who, in the distraction and certain level of obliviousness of the world around, encourage you to find your passion and write.

To learn more about Wyatt McIntyre and where to buy his debut romance novel The Last Dance, please visit his website here: http://wjtmcintyre.com/.


Romance Author Karen Einsel

Karen Einsel Author PIcI am thankful for my family, because without their support, conversations, stories, and funny antics, I would never have become an author.

To learn more about Karen Einsel, my first Chumming with Sharky guest, and where to buy her books, please visit her website here: http://differentcornersinmylife.blogspot.com/.


Author, Poet, and Musician Spencer Brokaw

Spencer Brokaw PicHappy Thanksgiving to all of the amazing people that continue to support those in creative fields, whether it be art, music or writing. We would not be able to do it without you and I’m so thankful for all of the people that have encouraged and supported me throughout the years; you make the writer’s block and frustration completely worth it

Today Spencer is focused on music (he’s a pretty damn good drummer too), but he did publish a couple of spy stories…before he even hit his teens! They’re only 99 cents on Kindle. You can check them out here: Impenetrable Spy by Spencer Brokaw.


Horror Author Robert “Sharky” Pruneda

Robert "Sharky" Pruneda

I’d like to thank everyone who participated in this special edition of Chumming with Sharkyand hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. To my family and friends that have encouraged me over the past few years as I pursue my dream, I thank you. Your support means everything to me. I am eternally grateful to my readers who took a chance on me, an unknown author, and continue to push me to write more. Your praise and kind words mean more than you can ever imagine. It is such a great feeling knowing that there are folks out there that enjoy the stories I tell enough to purchase them. Thank you! I promise to continue writing more stories. And to those who have been pushing me to continue Caleb Lockhardt’s story from Pursuit of a Dream, I promise, I haven’t forgotten about you.

To my fellow authors in the writing community, thank you for all of the advice and guidance you have given me over the years. You have always been there for me when I’ve struggled at times because you know how hard difficult this business of publishing is. There are too many to list by name, but you know who you are. Thank you!

And to Mr. Turkey’s family…my condolences. Now someone pass me a leg. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Post what you are thankful for in the comments.

Sharky Teeth


Profile Photo (Cropped)Robert “Sharky” Pruneda is a native Texan, video game “enthusiast” [addict], and fan of all things horror. He left a career in the newspaper industry in 2011 to pursue the life of a nocturnal author, brainstorming new and creative ways to creep out his readers. He doesn’t only write horror though. He also pens the occasional family-oriented tale just to keep from going completely nuts with all those creatures of the night whispering in his ears. When he’s not pulling ideas out of his twisted brain, you’ll likely find him on social media or fighting alongside his fellow gaming buddies where they all get shot up into Swiss cheese (or turned into little bite-sized chunks because of “Sharky’s” obsession with explosives). Medic!

Pursue your dreams . . . and never look back.

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