Guest Interview with Lorna Suzuki

Posted: April 14, 2013 in Book Promotions, Fiction, Horror, Interviews, Mystery, Thrillers, Writing

I recently had the pleasure of visiting the cyber home of  Lorna Suzuki to chat about my horror-thriller Devil’s Nightmare. For those of you who don’t know Lorna, she is the very talented creator of the Imago Fantasy Series which is currently in production for a major motion picture trilogy. I met Lorna in the cyber Twitter pub #Pubwrite back in 2011 and quickly realized that she was one of the cool kids. Click on Lorna’s image below to be transported to the interview and join me for a casual chat about Devil’s Nightmare and writing in general.

Lorna Suzuki

  1. tylasmith says:

    I adore Lorna. She’s one of my favorite people to tweet with. A really inspiring person and Author.


  2. danniehill says:

    Lorna is truly a great person and author. Great interview, Rob.
