Posts Tagged ‘Writing’

Welcome to Season 2: Episode 3 of Chumming with Sharky™ where viewers from every corner of the deep blue sea are treated to a small taste of talented authors from a myriad of genres. Today, I’m bringing you some talent from the younger generation of authors. At the age of 14 years old this month’s guest has already published two books and has traveled to the shark tank from Ohio to chat it up talk show style. Now, on with the show . . .

Chumming with Sharky

Spencer Brokaw

Sharky Teeth 1

Click here to be transported to the shark tank for the full episode of Chumming with Sharky™: Spencer Brokaw.

 Sharky Teeth

Devil's Nightmare (coming Jan. 15, 2013)Final Edits Completed in the Wee Hours of the Morning

I’m pleased to announce that at approximately 3 a.m. this morning I completed the final edits for my upcoming supernatural horror Devil’s Nightmare. After four drafts and countless numbers of hours (and many sleepless nights) I was able to shave nearly 3,000 words off the original 125,000-word manuscript  while also doing some polishing with the help of my awesome beta readers. You were all a very integral part of this process and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t have done it without you! 

Devil’s Nightmare Now in Formatting Mode 

With the final edits complete I’m now switching gears to the task that is probably the most tedious of all during the publication process . . . FORMATTING! At least this time around I don’t have to worry about those blasted tabs that plagued my previous novel. Rookie mistake! I’m currently working on the Smashwords Edition of Devil’s Nightmare and going step by step through Mark Coker’s Smashwords Style Guide to make sure I don’t miss anything. In hindsight I probably should have done this before using italics throughout my manuscript because now I have to go back and reapply them. Oy! Oh, well. Mark that one off as another lesson learned.

After I’m finished with the Smashwords formatting, I will work on the Kindle, Nook and Kobo versions. A print edition will be forthcoming later this year. I just have to scrape up the cash to pay my cover designer. I’m taking donations. 🙂

Devil’s Nightmare On Schedule for Jan. 15 Release

While I still have a lot of work to do with the formatting, I still plan to hit that publish button on Jan. 15, 2013. I have a few bloggers ready to help me promote Devil’s Nightmare, but I’m still looking for more. So if you are willing to open up some virtual real estate for an interview, guest post, or spotlight feature, I would greatly appreciate it. I am also looking for authors to cross promote on Sharkbait Writes with interviews and guest posts, so don’t hesitate to ask. 

Now back to formatting!


Robert Pruneda
Author of Devil’s Nightmare and Pursuit of a Dream.

Still Alive and Kicking

Considering the fact I dropped off the face of the blogosphere recently and the world didn’t end today, I figured I’d put together a quick post to let you all know that I’m still alive and kicking. The truth is I’ve been very busy with the whole self-employment thing and frantically working on Devil’s Nightmare so I can have it ready shortly after Santa Claus delivers all those new Kindle, Nook, and Kobo readers all over the world next week. And for those of you who already have an e-reader you most certainly will have shiny new gift cards to load up on some great books to read in the coming weeks.

(Insert shameless self-promotional plug here)

Devil’s Nightmare Available in Mid-January 

I just finished attacking my printed manuscript with pink red ink and have applied the edits for the first five chapters this week. I plan to take advantage of the downtime from the day job over the weekend and throughout next week (and the fact that the world didn’t blow up today) to finish applying all of my edits. I will then review feedback from my awesome beta readers (Thank you, Sara, Sheilagh, and Dannie!) and make additional edits during the first week of the New Year. Formatting for the e-book edition of Devil’s Nightmare should begin during the second week of January, and if all goes as planned, I will have this novel published on January 12, 2013! That’s my goal, anyway.

Devil’s Nightmare Virtual Book Tour

On that note, if you have a blog and would be interested in hosting me during a virtual book tour I would greatly appreciate it. You can contact me here by leaving a comment or sending me an email at SharkbaitWrites (at) gmail (dot) com. You may also contact me via Twitter @SharkbaitWrites. I will certainly return the favor for those wanting to promote their work on Sharkbait Writes!

I wish you and your families safe travels during the holiday week and a very merry Christmas! Thank you all for the support you have given me throughout this year as I have put hundreds of hours into Devil’s Nightmare. You are the best!


Robert Pruneda
Author of Devil’s Nightmare and Pursuit of a Dream.

A few days ago I had the opportunity to write a guest post on Blood Skies (cyber home of Steven Montano) to share some words about my involvement with the Indies Unite for Joshua campaign, and today it is a great pleasure to announce that Steven is my very first guest blogger on Sharkbait Writes. I met Steven on Twitter last year when he was writing his first book Blood Skies and I have to say he is one of the coolest guys I have ever meet. He has a great sense of humor and has a special talent for writing and managing his time.

If you are a writer I’m certain you have come across the difficulty of juggling your busy schedule to find time for writing. Today Steven Montano, the talented author of the Blood Skies series, will be sharing some tips on how we too can integrate writing into our daily routine. Enjoy!

Write the Exercise Way

By Steven Montano

Believe it or not, you have time to write. You may just not realize it. Anyone can find the time to write. But a lot of people can’t figure out how to go about it.

For me, writing is all about routine. Like anything and everything we do, the more you do it, the better you are at it. More important, the more you write, the better you get at the act of writing – the routine, the ritual, the purposeful process of engaging with your work.

I approach writing the same way I approach exercising: as something that is going to happen, no matter what. A few years ago I decided to finally, seriously get in shape. I started counting calories, I walked every day, and I made an effort to get to the gym and jump on the treadmill. I determined how much exercise was realistic for my body to handle (I can only run so long before my knees lock up tighter than airport security), and how much exercise would be helpful towards attaining my weight goal. I figured out how much time I needed to put aside for exercise, what time of day I’d physically be up to the task, and what worked best with my daily schedule.

Don’t get me wrong: it took quite some time to figure this all out. It sounds like a pain…okay, it is a pain…but after you do it for a week or two, suddenly it’s not a pain, and it’s not something you wake up feeling like you have to do. It just becomes part of your routine, so much so that when it doesn’t happen, you notice…and it throws you off, throws you off to the point where you’ll go out of your way to make sure that part of your routine is met, even if you have to shuffle a few meetings or other obligations around to do so.

Yes, that sounds a little obsessive. But that’s what you want.

Now, the trick is to try and do that with your writing.

Hey, I know it’s hard to find time to write. Like I said, I have a job, kids, and a spouse who likes to see me every once in a while (or so she claims… ;D). I write at least 1,000 words a day, 2,000 if I’m actively trying to finish something up. Now, I admit some people consider that freakishly prolific, but how much you write isn’t nearly as important as just writing.

Set yourself a realistic goal, but make it something worthwhile. It shouldn’t be easy (just like a workout shouldn’t be easy): you need to challenge your brain cells enough to kick those creative gears into play, and for most people that doesn’t happen until you have at least a few hundred words down. At the same time, however, you don’t want to set yourself up to fail, because if you do you may quickly find yourself not caring or not wanting to maintain the routine. 500 words is usually a good starting point if you’re not used to writing every day, and you may soon find yourself wanting to do more.

Imagine writing as a workout routine: figure out how much time you need to produce your projected word count, and try to make your writing time coincide with a time of day when you’ll have favorable conditions to be productive. (Some people need silence; others could write while running a marathon while their underwear is on fire. Whatever works for you.) Just like with working out, it may take time for you to figure out when and where is the best time for you to write; just be sure to make writing something you can work right into your daily schedule.

Now, the biggest mistake you could make is to treat your writing time as something less important than the rest of your day. If you do, your mind tells you it’s okay to marginalize or reschedule writing time if your day gets too hectic. This is just silly, and, quite frankly the reason most people end up giving up trying to establish a writing routine. If you want to write, if you need to write, then you’re going to have to make it just as important as going to work, going to the bank, making dinner and dropping the kids off at school. Until you treat your own writing with the proper level of respect, you’ll never be able to work it into your already busy life. (Note: yes, the same applies to an exercise regime.) Now, don’t get me wrong: there will be times when writing doesn’t happen, just like with everything else. Don’t beat yourself up over it, so long as you’re making the proper effort to maintain the routine.

So don’t look at writing as a chore, as something extra you’re trying to do on top of all of your other important life stuff. Don’t force it into your routine, but make it a part of your routine, integrate it smoothly. If you have 15 minutes a day where you find yourself just sitting and staring at the computer screen without actually doing anything, HEY!, there’s a golden opportunity for you. If you have 20 minutes after dinner where you usually just sit and contemplate your toe-socks, BAM!, scribble down a few hundred words, instead. Make writing a part of your equation…a new paradigm, if you will:

My Day Now + Writing = My New Day

Try to make it as much a part of your day as eating your toast in the morning and reading your e-mail. Missing writing should make you feel as discombobulated and as irritated as forgetting your coffee or forgetting to charge up your cell phone.

Once it becomes ingrained into your daily habit – once you’ve secured writing as part of your ritual, when you’ve made it as natural and as automatic as letting the dog out and checking the news – you’ll be amazed at how productive you can be.

Lastly, let’s get the “who is this guy and why should I listen to him about writing?” question out of the way: I’ve self-published three novels and two short stories. I’ll be publishing three more novels this year, and right now I’m about a quarter-of-the-way through the rough draft for the first novel I plan to release next year. I work a full-time job as an Accountant, I’m the father of two medically fragile children (one is epileptic, the other has impulse control issues), I blog two to three times a week, and I somehow manage to find time to spend with my wife.

So there. =D

Steven Montano fell out of the sky one day and landed behind an accountant’s desk. Rather than write novels about his experiences in an alternate post-apocalyptic world besieged by vampires, he decided to reconcile accounts and calculate journal entries. He still writes in his spare time.

Check out his Blood Skies series at Amazon, or visit his website at

Sharky Teeth

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Devil’s Nightmare by Robert Pruneda available in print and eBook formats. Click the image below for more details.
Devil's Nightmare

Who doesn’t like getting stuff for free?

This week I’m having a special free giveaway to promote my first book Victory Lane: The Chronicles – Pursuit of a Dream. The e-book version is currently available exclusively for the Kindle as part of my trial run with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing Select program, which allows Amazon Prime members to borrow one eBook per month through the lending program. Amazon also allows up to five free promo days per 90-day period, and since the end of my 90-day KDP Select period is coming up, I decided to take advantage of it. So after figuring out how to make my book available for free, I launched my promo campaign, which began on Tuesday.

Your feedback is appreciated.

So, why am I giving my book away for free? What’s the catch? The only catch is that by offering my book for free to my readers I’m asking that you simply return the favor by giving me some feedback on what you liked and maybe disliked about Pursuit of a Dream. I’m looking for honest feedback to help me grow as an author. Getting honest feedback will help me gauge what my readers like and dislike about the book. This will help me improve as an author and produce quality content in the future by continuing to write in a style that you like and make adjustments on certain aspects of writing that you may not like. This can only result in a more enjoyable experience in future books.

After reading Pursuit of a Dream, if you would like to leave feedback you can do so in a couple of ways: 1) You can write a review on my book’s page on Amazon, or 2) You can post your feedback on my book’s page on Reviews on blogs are nice, too. 🙂 Also, be sure to “Like” my book on Amazon.

Campaign results in Top 5 spot in Sports Fiction category

So far, after some promoting on Twitter and Goodreads, over 135 people have downloaded Pursuit of a Dream, which I’m very grateful for. During this promotion, my book has reached as high as the No. 3 spot in Top 100 Free e-books in the Sports Fiction category on Amazon. Granted, there aren’t that many sports fiction books listed for free right now, but it still puts a smile on my face to see my book there. My last free promotion was through Smashwords, which only generated about 10 downloads, so you can imaging how pleasantly surprised I was to see the great response this promotion has had.

What if you don’t have a Kindle?

If you don’t have a Kindle but would still like to read my book,  you can also read my book on a number of Kindle applications available for PC/Mac, iPhone, iPad, and any device that has the Android operating system. I’ll include it in the list of links at the bottom of this post.

For those who have already downloaded my book to their Kindles and Kindle apps, I thank you very much and hope you enjoy reading Victory Lane: The Chronicles – Pursuit of a Dream as much as I enjoyed writing it. I plan on working on Book 2 of Victory Lane: The Chronicles later this year while I continue to work on my first supernatural horror tentatively titled The Devil’s Nightmare.

Below is a list of links where you can take advantage of my free book promotion along with  links to where you can follow me on Twitter, Goodreads, and Google+.


Download My Book on Amazon for Free
Download a Kindle reading app
Stalk me on Twitter
Hit me up on Goodreads
Join my circle of friends on Google+
